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Little Information About Indonesia

Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia - The unitary state is a sovereign state that runs in one government namely the central government. The central government is the highest peak in a country. In running its government the central government delegates its power to government in each region.

Indonesia is a unitary state that is crossed by the equator. Indonesia is located between the Continent of Australia and the Asian Continent. In addition, Indonesia is also the largest archipelagic country that has 17,000 islands and is located between two large oceans, the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. That's why Indonesia is also called as the archipelago.

The purpose of the State of Indonesia are all summarized in the fourth alinie of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia. These are as follows:
-         Protect the whole Indonesian nation and the entire Indonesian blood spill.
-         Promote public welfare.
-         Enrich the life of a nation.
-          Join the world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice.

Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia abbreviated NKRI is an independent country that has many tribes and cultures. Diversity is what makes Indonesia so special in the eyes of the world.

NKRI is a unity of territory from Sabang to Merauke. Sabang starts from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) to Merauke in Irian Jaya (Papua).

Indonesia has the motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means different but still one. This is perfect because Indonesia has so many tribes, languages, cultures and beliefs. Although officially Indonesia only recognizes 5 religions, in practice there are still many people who believe in animism and dynamism.

The territory of Indonesia is dominated by scattered islands, which is why Indonesia is called the largest archipelagic country or maritime country in the world. Although scattered, the largest population inhabit the island of Java.

Indonesia also has a vast greenland so-called as the equatorial Emerald. The vast natural terrain makes Indonesia recognized as the country with the second largest biodiversity in the world.

The Indonesian nation was born on August 17, 1945, it is the day of Indonesian independence from the hands of foreign invaders who wring the natural wealth of Indonesia. Indonesia's independence was marked by the reading of the text of the proclamation by Indonesia's first president, Ir. Soekarno.

The Indonesian nation has a determination to exist in the international world in the form of a unitary state. This agreement is reflected in the meetings conducted by the Investigation Agency for Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) and Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence in drafting the Constitution prior to the independence of Indonesia.

One of the founding fathers of Indonesia named Soepomo in BPUPKI meeting wants the form of state in line with intergralistic understanding. Intergralistic means seeing the state as an organism.

The same thing has also been said by Muhammad Yamin, that this nation needs a state that is unitarisme and the state form is a unitary state.

The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is based on the following 5 reasons:

-         Unitarism is already the aspiration of Indonesia's independence movement.

-         The state does not provide a place of life for provincialism.

-         Most of the learned men were in Java so there was no energy in the area to form a federal state.

-         The regions of Indonesia are not equal in their potential and wealth.

-         From a geopolitical standpoint, the international world will see Indonesia as strong as a unitary state.

To form a state that is unitarism has the purpose to unify the entire archipelago in order to become a big and solid state with the state power is centralized or centralized. Centralized is power centered on the central government but each region has its own leader.

The determination to create a unitary state is contained in the second aline of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia which reads "and the struggle for the independence movement of Indonesia has arrived at a happy time with congratulations sentausa ushered the people of Indonesia to the gate of independence of an independent state of Indonesia, united, sovereign, just and prosperous ".

With this principle, then the state of Indonesia is a country that has a sense of high unity in community life, mutual mutual cooperation and shoulder to shoulder is the original wisdom of Indonesia.

Please come to Indonesia.


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