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Curup City, Rejang Lebong District

Rejang Lebong Regency is a district in Bengkulu province, Indonesia. It has an area of ​​4,277.16 km² and a population of about 500,000. Its capital is Curup. This district is located on the slope of Bukit Barisan and is 85 km from the city of Bengkulu which is the provincial capital.
Indigenous peoples consist of two main tribes: Rejang and Lembak tribes. The Rejang tribe inhabits the upper areas of Curup, North Curup, East Curup, South Curup, Central Curup, Bermani Ulu, Bermani Ulu Raya, and several Rejang Selupu. The Lembak tribe inhabits the lower part of the sub-district of Padang City, Ulak Tanding Square, Binduriang, Sindang Dataran, Sindang Beliti Ulu, Sindang Beliti Ilir and Sindang Kelingi.

Rejang Lebong Regency is located at 102 ° 19'-102 ° 57 'East Longitude and 2 ° 22'07' '- 3 ° 31' South Latitude. [2]

The capital of Rejang Lebong is located in Curup Town. Curup Town Distance from several cities around the world
Bengkulu: 85 km
Lubuk Linggau: 55 km
Palembang: 484 km
Tanjung Karang: 774 km
Padang: 890 km
Jambi: 702 km

Kecamatan Curup


Suban Panas Air
Swimming Pool Muna Tirta
Lake Talang Kering
Talang Rimbo Waterfall
Great Mosque Chairs
Traditional House Rejang Lebong
Musi Dam Kejalo
Nature Tourism Object "DIOBAGITE"
Ulu Bermuda District
Taba Renah Village Struggle Monument
Tea Garden "Agro Tea"
Kecamatan Selupu Rejang
Lake Three Colors
Elevated Waterfall
Bukit Kaba

Bukit  Kaba

Lake Mas Harun Bastari

Lake Mas Harun Bastari
Tourism Object Agropolitan
Sindang Kelingi Regency
Hot Water / Waterfall / Swallow's Nest
Waterfall Village Cahaya Negara
Three Beringin Waterfall Village
Curup Head Waterfall
Check Dam (Artificial Lake)
History of Apur Village
Curup Waterfall / Curup Apur Village
Waterfalls Napal River
Padang city

Waterfall Waterfall Waterfall UPT Village Trans
Lubuk Mumpo Village Waterfall
Waterfalls and Caves La Desa Suka Merindu

The majority of residents of Rejang Lebong Regency are Rejang with 43%, followed by Javanese who immigrated with a total of 35.2%. The original tribe other than Rejang is the famous Lembac tribe who is temperamental but kind and friendly towards immigrants. Although dominated by the Rejang and Javanese tribes, the Rejang Lebong community is exacerbated in terms of race, race and religion. It happened because since the Dutch era precisely in 1904, Bengkulu Province opened the transmigration area.


The main religion of society in Rejang Lebong is Sunni Islam with 96% percentage. Then other religions in smaller compositions (Shia Islam, Traditional Islam, Protestant Christianity, Catholicism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism). Houses of worship in Rejang Lebong are:
The mosque numbered 1096 pieces
The Protestant Church is 12 (including GPdI, HKI, HKBP, Rejang Christian Church, GPIB, GKSBS, GKII, GKI, GBI)
The Catholic Church is 3 pieces
Vihara There are 2 pieces and 1 in development
Pura in the development stage
The new temple was built in Mojorejo, Kecamatan Sindang Kelingi
The synagogue, there is a synagogue in the village of Sindang Jati, Sindang Kelingi district.

Kecamatan Rejang Lebong

Currently in Kabupaten Rejang Lebong there are 15 districts, namely:
Kecamatan Curup: the capital of Pasar Baru
Kecamatan Rejang Selupu: capital of Air Duku
Sindang Kelingi District: the capital of Beringin Tiga *
District Sindang Square: capital of Bengko *
District Sindang Beliti Ulu: capital of Apur *
Sindang Beliti Ilir Regency: Lubuk Belimbing capital 1 *
District Binduriang: the capital of the Head Curup *
Kecamatan Padang Ulak Tanding: the capital in Pasar PUT **
Regency of Padang City: capital city of Padang City *
Kecamatan Bermani Ulu: the capital of Kampung Melayu
Kecamatan Bermana Ulu Raya: the capital of Babakan Baru
Kecamatan Curup Utara: the capital of Simpang Empat
Kecamatan Curup Selatan: the capital of Lubuk Ubar
Kecamatan Curup Timur: capital of Talang Ulu
Kecamatan Curup Tengah: capital of Batu Galing
Kecamatan Bermani Tengah: the capital of Aur River
Kecamatan Karang Jayo: capital of Batu Nunggal
Belupak Sub-district: capital of Pasar Rejang
Note: * is a district that can form a new district.

Population search of Lembak Mata Regency is dominated by agriculture (80%), traders, civil servants, businessmen and others. Smallholder plantations located in this regency are coffee and rubber plantations. Coffee productivity in Rejang Lebong is high and is the 6th largest coffee producer in Sumatra. Many palawija planted on the slopes of Kaba hill, Rejang Lebong known as rice granaries, vegetables and tubers in Bengkulu. Some of them are farmers of palm sugar and sugar palm sugar maker. Production of palm sugar and palm sugar Rejang Lebong very famous even to foreign countries. While large-scale private plantation companies are tea plantations on the hillside, Bermani Ulu district.

Fossils or minerals in this region are dominated by C minerals such as:
River stone
red sand
golden sand
iron sand
rock mountain

Other potential mines are the hot hill of Kaba hill, coal in Padang City, Gold in Bermani Ulu, Iron Seed in Padang City


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