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 1. The Origin and Meaning of the Bogor Name

There are several opinions about the origin and meaning of the name Bogor, there is one opinion that is believed to be close to the truth that is related to enau (aren) or in Sundanese called kawung tree. Bogor means palm trees that have died or dried up. This opinion is considered more appropriate because in the Bogor area there are many cultivation of land in gogo (not inundated with water).

2. Bogor City of Rain

In Indonesia, Bogor is known as the nickname of the rain city because it has higher annual rainfall than other regions in Indonesia. The average annual rainfall in Bogor is 3,500 to 4,000 millimeters. For the size of the world, this value is not how. Because based on data from CNN city with the highest rainfall is the city Mawsynram, India. The city has an average annual rainfall of 11,871 mm, three times the rainfall of Bogor city.

3. Bogor Kota Angkot

Angkot is an acronym of city transportation. Bogor is also known as a million city angkot city. Though the amount is not up to a million. According to Arya Bima, Bogor mayor, quoted from Kompas, the total angkot in Bogor is 3,412 units (Kompas online on May 7, 2014). This amount does not include public transportation coming from Bogor Regency about 4,000 units. Almost all roads in Bogor City are bypassed by angkot which currently has 23 routes. There are even anecdotes, if Bogor is seen from satellite imagery, the appearance of the city of Bogor is entirely green. This does not mean that Bogor is filled with trees, but by angkot, which is indeed green.

4. Bogor City Agricultural Research

Bogor has long been recognized as a national agricultural education and research center. This is where various institutions and agricultural research and biological research centers established since the 19th century. One of them is Bogor Agricultural University which was established since the beginning of the 20th century. In the area of ​​Cimanggu, Bogor, quite a lot of Agricultural Research Institute is here. So the Ministry of Agriculture named it as Agricultural Research Campus Cimanggu, Bogor.

5. Bogor Palace and State Palace

Perhaps many do not know that the Bogor Palace and the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta face each other. If drawn lines between Bogor Palace and Merdeka Palace eat will stretch the straight line as far as approximately 50 km.

6. Bogor is Buitenzorg

Bogor in the Dutch colonial period was known as Buitenzorg. Buitenzorg means no worry or in Indonesian means 'without anxiety' or 'secure peace'. This is because Bogor was then known as a comfortable and cool place. The existence of Bogor botanical garden which is quite extensive also become a good lung for the city of Bogor.

7. Bogor City Lightning

High rainfall makes Bogor wet most of the year. Almost every day Bogor rain. With the presence of rain, lightning also has a high intensity in Bogor. Therefore Bogor is known as the city of lightning, because in 2009 got a lightning strike sebanya 322 times. Lightning is quite devastating sometimes give disaster. The last few years almost every year there are victims died from being stung by lightning.

8. The Oldest Hotel in Bogor

Hotel Binnenhof is one of the oldest hotels and still operates as a hotel in Bogor. Hotel Binnenhof was built in 1856, later renamed Hotel Dibbets and now the Hotel Salak the Heritage. However, the oldest hotel is not only salak hotel, there is Hotel Pasar Baroe, Hotel du Chumin de Fur and Hotel Bellevue which is also the oldest hotel in Bogor. Hotel Bellevue has now been demolished and become a shopping mall Bogor Trade Mall (BTM). While Baroe Market Hotel is located on Jalan Klenteng, just behind Pasar Bogor and not neglected. The Hotel du Chumin de Fur is now the Bogor City Police Building.

9. Post Office Building

Post Office Building was formerly the first church building in Bogor. The church building by the Dutch government was used as a post office building because of its strategic location on Post Road (De Groete Post Weg). Until now the building is still functioned as post office Bogor.

10. Post Road

Bogor is part of the Post Road construction project or De Groete Post Weg by Dutch Governor General Daendels in 1808. Post Road is the northern coastal route of Java that extends from Anyer to Panarukan. There are four road segments that are part of the project in Bogor namely: Jalan Ahmad Yani and Jalan Sudirman,, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, and Jalan Suryakencana.


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