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10 Tourist Places in Papua that Must Be Visited

If you think Indonesia is no more interesting than the countries in Europe there, try visiting the land of Papua. This easternmost island of Indonesia has all the natural beauty that you can not explore. Mainland and underwater nature to be a paradise for the fans of nature tourism. Not only the rich nature, Papua also save the local cultural wisdom that still survive in modern times. Exploring Papua will certainly be an exciting experience that you can share with family and friends.

1. Cenderawasih Bay National Park

National park with an area of ​​1.453.500 hectares is almost 90% in the form of water. Not surprisingly, Cenderawasih Bay National Park became the largest and largest marine conservation area in Indonesia. Here, there are 196 types of mollusks and 209 species of fish that you can see in the underwater world. Not infrequently the tortoises, turtles, sharks and dolphins also accompany you while diving.

Cenderawasih Bay National Park was inaugurated in 1993 by the Ministry of Forestry. Besides enjoying the underwater world, you can also explore the islands. Mioswaar Island, one of the islands in this tourist spot in Papua, has a cave with hot springs with sulfur content that you deserve to visit. In addition to Mioswaar Island, there are still Yoop Island, Numfor Island, Nusrowi Island and other islands that you should not miss.

This tourist place is administratively located in two districts of Wondama and Nabire. This national park is also a center of whale shark whale research conducted by the government in cooperation with domestic and foreign NGOs.

2. Raja Ampat

Who does not know Raja Ampat? One of the tourist attractions in Papua is its beauty attracts the attention of domestic and foreign tourists. Raja Ampat area consists of four large islands namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati, Batanta and small islands around it.

Raja Ampat has a variety of marine biota. According to reports from The Nature Conservancy, as many as 75% of the world's marine species are found in the waters of Raja Ampat. During the dive, you will be accompanied by about 1,511 species of fish and sea turtles. Fun, huh? Although you are free to dive anytime of the year here, but the best time is in October and November. In these months, the weather is good and the water is so clear that visibility while diving is ideal.

If you do not want to dive, you can still enjoy the beauty of Raja Ampat by doing trekking on the islands. Fear of getting lost? Quiet. You can use guide services here. Tourists at this resort are local residents who daily work as fishermen. Do not forget to bring the betel nut or candy to be given to local residents. Betel nuts and candies are considered a sign of friendship and will make you more familiar with them.

Here, there are many souvenirs that you can buy as souvenirs ranging from Asmat statues to traditional musical instruments and cloths.

3. Lake Sentani

This 9,360 hectare lake is the largest lake in Papua. Located about 50 km from downtown Jayapura, Lake Sentani offers extraordinary beauty. At least there are 21 islands that adorn the lake with a height of 75 meters above sea level.

There are many activities you can do here from swimming, fishing, culinary eating around the lake to hiring boats to get around the lake. In addition, there are 24 villages around this tourist spot that you can visit and interact directly with its citizens. The view of the row of stilt houses with fishing nets becomes a natural thing you see here.

What is interesting is the annual event of Lake Sentani Festival which is usually held in mid-June. When the festival takes place, tourist attractions in Papua will be full of crowded tourists who want to see a variety of local arts and cultural performances. In addition to enjoying the show during the festival, you can also satisfy the tongue and belly with a typical culinary Papua presented a lot here.

4. Lake Paniai

Lake Paniai no less interesting than Lake Sentani. This lake is even referred to as the most beautiful lake at the World Lake Conference in India on November 30, 2007 which followed 157 countries. The lake is located at an altitude of 1,700 meters above sea level with an area of ​​14,500 hectares. At dusk, the scenery at this tourist spot is very pretty. You can see the silhouettes of the cliffs, the birds flying over the lake plus the local fishing boats starting to dock.

Here, you can fish with Mee and Moni tribe women who are called 'mama'. Lake Paniai is one of the largest freshwater fish producers in Papua, many of the fish you find here like goldfish, tilapia and mujair fish.

Facilities provided in tourist attractions in Papua is quite complete ranging from guard posts, guides, boat rentals and fishing equipment, to the food stalls around the lake. If you want to enjoy the beauty of Lake Paniai longer, you can stay at home residents.
5. Baliem Valley

The Baliem Valley is home to the Dani, Yali and Lani tribes located around the Jayawijaya Mountains. Being at an altitude of 1,600 meters above the sea makes the temperature in this place can reach 10-15 degrees Celsius at night. Here, you can see and interact directly with indigenous people who still wear koteka for men and a fringe skirt for women.

In August, the Baliem Valley becomes a tourist spot in Papua that attracts a lot of tourists attention. During the three-day annual event held the Festival Baliem Valley. This festival is actually a government way to eliminate the inter-tribal wars that often occur here. Inter-tribal wars have been banned, instead this festival was held which turned the war into an art and cultural show to invite tourists.

In the war at this festival, there are scenarios that run. Usually the war will begin with the kidnapping of one of the tribes or the theft of pigs who become farm animals here. Furthermore, the war will take place with the beginnings of tribal dance and accompanied by traditional music. In addition to war, there are also inter-village pig karapan competitions and grilled pork parties. You can also buy handicrafts from local tribes.

6. Sauwandarek Tourism Village

If in the Baliem Valley you can interact with tribes living in the mountains , in the village of Sauwandarek you can meet directly with indigenous tribes living on the coast. Sauwandarek village is still located in Raja Ampat Regency, precisely in Meos Mansar. Here, you can see a traditional house made of wood and a thatched roof.

This cultural place is only occupied by about 46 families. The women here used to make hats and bags from pandanus leaves of the sea. If you like their work, you can buy it directly on the spot.

Here, you can dive and snorkel. In addition, you can also trekking to the unique lake that is in this village. The name Telaga Yenauwyau, is said to be unique because the water in this lake is salt water, not fresh water like most water in other lake. According to locals, in this lake there is a white turtle that if you see it then you will get luck.

7. Bosnik Beach

Prepare your camera because the beauty of this beach can make you not stop taking pictures. Bosnik Beach, located 15 km from the center of Biak town has a wide expanse of sand with crystal clear water and rows of coconut trees that make it as the perfect scenery to be immortalized in your camera.

Tourist attractions in Papua is perfect for relaxing with family. By paying 10.000 Rupiah only, you can enjoy the beauty of the beach located in this village of Woniki. In addition to playing beach volleyball on the sloping sand, you can also rent saung with the price of 50.000 Rupiah and enjoy fresh fresh coconut ice as well as local culinary.

8. Amai Beach

Amai Beach is a great place for those who want peace. This beach is relatively quiet, but that does not mean not interesting. At the end of the beach, there is a river mouth that makes saltwater and fresh water meet here. Fresh water is commonly used by tourists to rinse themselves after swimming in the beach.

In addition to swimming, you can also play beach volleyball, diving, snorkeling or relax in the gazebo that you can rent at a price of 50,000 Rupiah. If you want to stay, at Amai Beach is already available lodging with house style stage.

Amai Beach is in the Depapre District or about 2 hours drive from Jayapura. The journey to the beach will test your adrenaline because of the up and down winding terrain, but it will all pay off when you arrive and witness the beauty of Amai Beach. To enter this resort, you are required to pay 25,000 Rupiah which includes parking fee.

9. Rumberpon Island

Rumberpon Island is in Wondama Bay or 5 hours boat trip from Manokwari. This island has a beach called Pasir Panjang Beach because it is very long beach line reaches 6 km.

In this tourist spot, you can do activities such as diving, snorkeling, swimming and fishing. If you want a different experience, try visiting a mangrove forest on the other coast of the island. You can also go to the reed grass to see the deer here.

10. MacArthur Monument

MacArthur's monument is a memorial to General Douglas MacArthur who was a great general of the United States during World War II. This monument is in Ifar Gunung, Jayapura. Here, you can enter the museum , see photographs and history of General MacArthur's military journey. Tourist attractions in Papua is a witness to the glory of a great general who made the strategy of several major wars. Located at an altitude of 325 meters above the sea, you can see Lake Sentani and Airport Sentani airport from here.

MacArthur monument itself is a monument with a height of 3 meters dominated by yellow and black. In this monument is written history of General Douglas MacArthur in Indonesian and English.

At a glance about MacArthur, this general is known by his words, 'I came through and I shall return'. He said this when his military base in the Philippines was destroyed by Japan and he and his troops were forced to withdraw to Australia. After drafting a war strategy, in 1944 he landed in Hamadi Bay, Jayapura, and built a base at the MacArthur Tugu site today. The General proved his words because then he and his troops managed to get rid of Japan and avenge American defeat in the Philippines and at Pearl Harbor.


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