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Betawi is a term for indigenous people of Jakarta. The dynamic history of betawi affects his culinary heritage. Typical Betawi food is influenced by Chinese, European and Arab cultures. Savory and savory taste is typical of Betawi food. Actually, Betawi has many delicious specialties. However, along with the rapid development of the Metropolitan city of Jakarta which is also the capital of this country of Indonesia, Typical Betawi food has many rare even almost extinct1). Therefore, it is important to preserve the culinary heritage of the ancestors. Here are 11 Popular Betawi Foods version:

 1. Kerak  Telor

Egg crust is a special food that is very famous Betawi especially during the Jakarta Fair. Egg crust is almost similar to martabak, the difference lies in the content and how to load it. The contents of the egg crust are sticky rice and sweet potatoes. How to cook the egg crust, ie, by heating it on a charcoal stove.

 2. Nasi Uduk

Almost all Jakarta (though not Betawi) masculine people know rice uduk. Nasi uduk is very familiar as breakfast in Jakarta. Similar to liwet rice, uduk rice made from white rice cooked with spices. The uduk rice spices are like salt, coconut milk, lemongrass leaves, bay leaf, and lime leaves. The taste of rice uduk very delicious and tasty. Rice uduk commonly eaten with sliced ​​omelet, jengkol stew, fried chicken, empal, balado potatoes, and peanut sauce.

 3. Nasi Ulam

Ulam rice is a typical Betawi food that also gets the influence of Chinese culinary culture. Ulam rice usually uses pera rice sprinkled with potato stew / stew / egg stew. Ulam rice is also added with fried salted squid, fried rice noodles, sliced ​​omelet, and potato cakes. Ulam rice is added with the addition of basil leaves, chili sauce, fried onions, and topped ground peanuts.

 4. Ketupat Sayur / Lontong Sayur

Ketupat vegetable is a typical food of Betawi commonly used as breakfast menu. Ketupat vegetables are made from slices of ketupat / lontong with a tasty coconut milk sauce. Sprinkle of vegetable ketupat such as fried onion, soybean, and crackers / emping

 5. Gado-gado

Gado-gado is one of the culinary pride of Indonesia. Foreigners call gado-gado called 'selada Indonesia'. Gado-gado contains lontong / ketupat, vegetables, crackers and fried onions. Gado-gado can be eaten at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. In Jakarta, a lot of sellers gado-gado.

 6. Ketoprak

Ketoprak is made of ketupat or lontong containing vermicelli, toge, and tofu. Betawi Ketoprak with delicious flavor is watered and stirred with peanut sauce. Ketoprak is also sprinkled with crackers. This typical Betawi food includes a mild 'light' heavy meal.

 7. Semur Jengkol

Semur Jengkol is the only betawi typical food that is indisputable again its authenticity. Other typical betawi cuisine may have its twin in other areas but the jengkol stew is only in Betawi area only. Betawi people can make jengkol into a delicious dish of stews. To eliminate the smell, ordinary jengkol soak in lime or water from rice stalk stew. In the past, the area of ​​Pondok Gede and Lubang Buaya is an area in Jakarta that there are many jengkol trees.

 8. Laksa Betawi

Laksa comes from Cibinong area which then penetrated to Jakarta as Laksa Betawi. Betawi Laksa businessman is usually a Betawi Chinese. Laksa is a food type sepinggan berkuah. Laksa contains vermicelli, egg, cake, basil leaf, and chives. Culinary influenced by China has a taste that is tasty and sweet.

 9. Pindang Bandeng

Pindang bandeng almost resembles stews but there is addition of star fruit wuluh. The taste of pindang bandeng is very tasty and fresh. Same with rice uduk, usually pindang bandeng eaten at breakfast and cooked on the afternoon before.

 10. Soto Betawi

Soto Betawi with coconut milk with the contents of beef, tomato, and potatoes. Soto Betawi taste this very tasty and tasteful. Betawi soto meat feels soft, and the sauce tastes delicious. Food sepinggan typical betawi is very suitable eaten with white rice as lunch. 11. Soto Tangkar1) Tangkar Soto, Soto Tangkar Image, typical food image of betawiThis typical food was born during the Dutch colonial period. At that time, the Betawi people were only able to buy ribs of beef with a little meat (anchor). Then, the Betawi people turned him into a good soto. Now, soto tangkar plus meat and offal. Soto tangkar coconut milk but it is not too 'heavy'.


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