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History of Bandung

Word "Bandung" comes from the word bendung or dam due to the Citarum river terbendungnya by the lava of Mount Tangkuban Perahu which then form a lake.

According to myth, the name "Bandung" is taken from a vessel of water consisting of two boats tied side by side called a boat bandung used by the Regent of Bandung, R.A. Wiranatakusumah II, to navigate Ci Tarum (Sunda: Ci = Cai = Water = River) in search of new district districts to replace the old capital of Dayeuhkolot.

Bandung city is the largest metropolitan city in West Java region which became the capital of West Java Province.

The city of Bandung is also the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya.

              Flower City nickname

Bandung City dubbed the Flower City. In the book Wajah Bandoeng Tempo Doeloe, historian Haryoto Kunto writes, the flower in question is Kembang Dayang in Sundanese with WTS (Female Tunasusila) or PSK (Commercial Sex Workers).

The term flower city is derived from the events that occurred in 1896 when Bestuur van de Vereninging van Suikerplanters (Executive Board of Sugar Producers Association) based in Surabaya chose Bandung as the venue for its first congress.

As a congressional committee, Mr. Jacob received an input from Meneer Schenk to provide 'flower' in the form of a "beautiful noni" Indo-Dutch from the plantation area of ​​Payakalang to entertain the sugar businessmen.

After the congress, the guests expressed great satisfaction. Congress is said to be a great success. From the mouth of the congress participants then came out the term in Dutch De Bloem der Indische Bergsteden or 'flower' mountain town in the Dutch East Indies. From there emerged nickname Bandung as a flower city.

                Nickname Parijs van Java

In the book Autobiography Entin Supriatin, Deritapun Can Be Conquered. Mitra Media Reader. Bandung (2006) mentioned, Bandung is known as Parijs Van Java or Paris of Java Island.

Perhaps thought the term came from the beauty of the city of Bandung with the beauty of Paris. That's not it. Actually, the term Parijs van Java emerged because at that time in Jalan Braga there are many shops that sell goods of Paris production, especially clothing store.

Popular stores include fashion and clothing stores, Modemagazinj 'au bon Marche' which sells women's fashion dresses Paris.

There is also a restaurant that specialties Paris Maison Bogerijen which became a place of eating the officials and businessmen of the Dutch East Indies or Europe. From there emerged another nickname for the city of Bandung as Parijs van Java.

           City Shopping Nickname

In addition, the city of Bandung is also known as a shopping city, with malls and factory outlets (FO) are widely spread in this city.

In 2007, the British Council made the city of Bandung as a pilot project of creative cities in East Asia. Currently the city of Bandung is one of the main destinations of tourism and education.

Flash History of Bandung

Year 1896 Bandung has not become a city but only "kampong". Its population of 29,382 people, about 1,250 people of Europe, the majority of the Dutch.

At that time Bandung was just a village muddy muddy, even Braga Street which later legendary in Bandung is still a dirt road cow and horse with horse.

Bandung City began to be used as a residential area since the Dutch East Indies colonial government, through the Governor General of that time Herman Willem Daendels, issued a decree dated 25 September 1810 on the construction of facilities and infrastructure for this region. Later this event is immortalized as the anniversary of Bandung.

Bandung city officially got gemeente status (city) from Governor General J.B. van Heutsz on April 1, 1906 with an area of ​​about 900 hectares, and increased to 8,000 ha in 1949, until the last increase became the current area.

In the war of independence, on 24 March 1946, some of these cities were burned by freedom fighters as part of the war strategy of that time. This event is known as Bandung Sea of ​​Fire and immortalized in the song Halo-Halo Bandung. In addition the city was later abandoned by some of its inhabitants who fled to other areas.

The mention of Bandung Lautan Api is now used as the name of an international stadium in the Gedebage area, the eastern city of Bandung: Bandung Sports Hall of Fire Stadium (GBLA).


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