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Before visiting Solo, some information about Solo City

Where is Solo located?

The city of Solo is located in Indonesia precisely in Central Java Province, from Jakarta or Bali can be reached for one hour, from Kuala Lumpur for two hours, from Singapore for one and a half hour through air travel or can also via road trip via train for 8 hours from Jakarta. Access to Solo can be reached from Yogyakarta for 1 hour by train.


Solo has an international gateway and can be accessed directly from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. It can also be accessed directly from Jakarta or Bali via Yogyakarta.


The population of the city of Solo is approximately 500,000 in which the population of Solo is known to be thick with Javanese culture and become one of the center of Javanese tradition development. Solo's glory dates back to the 19th century, encouraging the development of Javanese literature, culinary, fashion, architecture and various other cultures.


The language used in Solo City uses the dialect of Java Mataraman (Central Java). This dialect is also used in the areas of Yogyakarta, Magelang, Semarang, Pati, Madiun to some parts of Kediri. But the dialect of Solo is famous for its more refined dialects in the use of words in everyday conversation. The official language used in Solo City uses the Indonesian language.


Solo is in an equatorial, warm and humid climate region throughout the year. Air temperature averages 28 o C with rainfall with sufficient intensity during rainy season from December to March.

History of Solo

The ancient history of Solo dates back to the time series of events, started when the first “Java Man” was found in Sangiran, Sragen Regency. Then, a research that mentioned that Surakarta was established in a village called Village Sala, on the edge of the River Solo.

Up until 1744, Solo was little more than a quiet backwater village, 10km east of Kartasura, the contemporary capital of the Mataram kingdom. But in that year the Mataram susuhunan (king), Pakubuwono II , backed the Chinese against the Dutch, and the court at Kartasura was sacked as a result. Pakubuwono II searched for a more auspicious spot to rebuild his capital, and in 1745 the entire court was dismantled and transported in a great procession to Surakarta, on the banks of the Kali Solo.

However, the decline continued, and in 1757 a rival royal house of Mangkunegoro was established right in the centre of Solo. Thereafter, Solo's royal houses wisely avoided fighting and instead threw their energies into the arts, developing a highly sophisticated and graceful court culture. The gamelan pavilions became the new theatres of war, with each city competing to produce the more refined court culture - a situation that continues to this day.


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