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Culinary of Palembang

Pempek? But besides what else huh?

I had a visit to Palembang a few days and unknowingly my body became more severe. Starting from Pempek, Patin, Mie Celor, to the legendary Martabak Har it all managed to tease me!

Oh yes, FYI alone if planning a road to Palembang, I suggest later pas 9 March. What's up? Total Solar Eclipse! This eclipse only 350 years. There are 12 provinces that will be passed by Total Solar Eclipse namely: North Maluku, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, West Sumatra. South Sumatra is one of them and of course the city of Palembang. According to the site, Palembang will feel the total solar eclipse for 1 minute 40 seconds.

Okay, back to the food. What are the typical culinary palembang that you can taste?

1. Pempek

Maybe not? asked again yes. Pempek is an icon of Palembang city, probably much more popular than Ampera bridge. Pempek is a typical culinary of palembang which become food everyday here. In any food stalls, these fish preparations are already available on the table without being ordered, for snacks. Do not be surprised to see people palembang breakfast with "sipping cuko" alias swallowing pempek sauce made from palm sugar, chili, onion, and this acid.

2. Tekwan

Tekwan like pempek but he was not fried, but boiled. It is served with a clear soup-like sauce and is usually served with a variety of appendages such as soun, ear mushrooms, and slices of yam.

Tekwan this is the "meatball" Palembang people.

3. Pindang

Want to be pindang what?
Pindang is similar tom yum. This sour, spicy, sweet, and fresh fish soup will definitely add to our appetite. Pindang can use catfish, cork fish, or ribs. A bowl of warm catfish and rice is the lunch idea I recommend. This typical culinary palembang can be found everywhere, but which is quite famous is Warung mbok War which is on the boat near the bridge Ampera.

4. Celor Noodles
Delicious celor noodles, full breakfast of calories.
Celor noodles are noodles served with thick coconut milk mixed with shrimp broth and vegetable toge are very little. Typical noodle palembang is usually eaten breakfast time. The noodles are thick like udon and the gravy is very tasty. Be careful of cholesterol hehe.

Celor Noodles that I try is Mie Celor 26 Ilir which is located on Jl. KH Ahmad dahlan.

5. Martabak Har

Martabak typical palembang is similar to martabak eggs. But the sauce is not a cuko. Martabak har sauce is a curry sauce that has a strong spice flavor, and mixed with potatoes and meat. Eggs in Martabak Har are not mixed in martabak, but are covered with martabak skin. How to eat martabak not dicocol to the gravy, but watered immediately when still hot. There are about 8 branches of Martabak Har in Palembang, so it's not hard to find it.

6. Laksan, Burgo, and Celimpungan.

Laksan is pempek lenjer which is boiled and given coconut milk (again coconut milk haha!). It looks like lontong vegetable, but still

The left lower left is the dangle, the top left is the burgo, the middle is the laksan, and the lower right is the ragit. They are all similar, made from rice flour and processed fish. With a curry sauce that tastes similar. Please select the broth want a little sweet, slightly spicy, or tasty.

7. Torn

Tempoyak is a kind of sambal made from durian fermentation. It tastes sour and has a durian scent. The photo above is a kind of pepes catfish mixed with tempoyak sauce. Appetite hell, if I am less suited with this tempoyak aroma. Mr. Latif, my guide said, "Well if I use rice, crackers, and tempoyak can eat!"

8. Lenggang

Lenggang is still a pempek family. How to make it is pempek lenjer cut into pieces and dipped into eggs, usually duck eggs. Lenggang can be fried or baked. Lenggang can be eaten directly or with kuko sauce. Lenggang that I try is in Pempek Saga Sudi Mampir in Jalan Merdeka, just in front of the office of the Mayor


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