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10 Tourist Places in Mandatory Aceh

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam or better known as Aceh is a province on the tip of the island of Sumatra . The province has an incredible natural beauty, ranging from beaches to mountains. After suffering the devastation caused by the tsunami in 2004 in part of its territory including its tourism place, Aceh again rose and rearranged its tourism sector well.

How much does the tour cost to Raja Ampat a "Backpacker" style? This is the calculation

Many people want to travel to Raja Ampat in West Papua, but felt hindered by a sizeable budget. KompasTravel tries to calculate spending on a backpacker- style trip  to this 'paradise in eastern Indonesia'. By KompasTravel, the following is the calculation of budget for a trip to Raja Ampat a backpacker style.

Help Me

Pioneering a sustainable blog is not an easy matter. For example like me who manages health blogs and simultaneously develop technology-specific  and other blogs  is much more not easy anymore. A little story about my first start to blog when my newborn 3rd child died. Sad and unstable emotion at the time made me resign from the company where I work. Things are getting tougher when I'm cheated of tens of millions of dollars, which not only affected me but also my wife and kids until now. The economic condition of our family is very difficult. There was a time when we were hungry all day because there was no money. When my business always fails, the wife who is an employee but his salary runs out to pay the bank installments, that's when I fill my day by writing my first blog until now while pioneering other businesses.

Foreign Tourists Enjoying the Tourism Sensation of Mount Agung Eruption

Although the eruption of Mount Agung is still happening, but it seems that natural disasters are not feared by humans anymore. They simply move to a safe location and enjoy the rare natural phenomenon.

Stay Sensation in the Former General Sudirman's Office

Want to feel sleep in the former office of the Great Commander General Sudirman? The sensation can now be felt when you stay at the Sudirman Suite at Grand Inna Malioboro Hotel, one of the four-star legendary hotels in Yogyakarta . Located on Jalan Malioboro 60, the hotel was built in 1908 and officially operated in 1911.

Explore the Most Outer Islands in the South End of Indonesian

Still sticking in the memory of a piece of lyrics from the song of instant noodles advertising popular in the era of the 90s. The song reminds us of the vastness of Indonesia with thousands of islands along with its natural beauty. Likewise with the island of Rote, the southernmost island in Indonesia is included in the administrative area of ​​East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean and Australia. Famous in the song of instant noodle ads, but the name of Rote Island is not as popular as Bali, Yogyakarta or Raja Ampat for local tourists. Funny thing is, more foreign tourists who know this 1,200 square kilometer island. I had the opportunity to visit this beautiful arid island for work on a few weeks ago. To get to Rote Island, I boarded the plane from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta to El-Tari Airport in Kupang, NTT. The flight duration is about three hours, plus one hour time difference between Jakarta and NTT. From El-Tari Airport, I had

The US ambassador apologized for the incident of the TNI Commander being denied entry to the United States

US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph Donovan apologized to the Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi on the incident of TNI Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo was refused when he was about to fly to the United States. "The US embassy has coordinated with the TNI Commander's staff on this issue, the US embassy is ready to facilitate the travel of General Gatot Nurmantyo) to the United States," the US embassy said on Sunday.