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Pantai Panjang
Tourist attractions in Bengkulu that must be visited by local or foreign tourists there are many. Bengkulu is identical with Rafflesia Arnoldi flower. This flower is the largest flower in the world with a diameter up to 100 cm. Besides Bengkulu also known as a place to throw freedom fighters, like Bung Karno. Curious what else is there in this town? What are the tourist objects? Let's explore!

1.       Bung Karno's Exile House
The house which originally belonged to the Chinese businessman (Tan Eng Cian) who worked for the Netherlands as a food supplier for the Dutch Government, was hired by the Dutch as the place of Bung Karno during the exile. Well, in this place Bung Karno lived from 1938 to 1942
In this place also Sukarno met with Mrs. Fatmawati who later became his wife and was the one who sewed the red and white flag in the proclamation of August 17, 1945. Although in exile, Sukarno never stop compiling various strategies of struggle in order to fight for the independence of the Indonesian Nation. This tourist place also store various historical objects, such as bicycle ontel favorite Bung Karno, Bung Karno love letter for Mother Fatmawati, up to the collection of books and other relics of Soekarno.
Ticket Price: To be able to enter this tourist location, you have to pay a ticket for R 2,500, -

2.       Tapak Paderi Beach
Tapak Paderi
Beaches that have long and beautiful coastline is always crowded with tourists. Tapak Paderi Beach was originally the first seaport in Bengkulu which is useful as a supporter of the British Government's marine transportation which is located close to the Marlborough Fort.
The beauty that can be enjoyed?
From this beach you can see the beauty of sunset and from above Padri Paderi will look beautiful Bengkulu sea. Interesting activities you can do when you are here besides playing on the beach and playing sand is along the beach area and enjoy the delicious corn roast.

3.       Long Beach
Pantai PanjangPantai Panjang has a long coastline, as the name implies reaches 7 km. Facilities available at Bengkulu this one is quite complete ranging from lodging, children play area, shopping center, to restaurant and café and sports area, all available.
Transportation and Natural Beauty.
When taken from the city center to Pantai Panjang, we need about 15 minutes with a distance of approximately 3 km. The beauty of this beach lies in the pine trees and pines are grown in the beach, white sand is smooth and clean, and the sunset is charming. Activities that can be done while on the Long Beach include jogging, beach volleyball, surfing and conquer the beach waves. If you feel hungry, please choose a place to eat that many found around Long Beach. Choose what suits your taste.

4.       Lake Dendam Tak Sudah
The lake that has an enchanting panorama is located in Curup Town, North Bengkulu.
If taken from downtown Bengkulu then the distance is approximately 6 km. This lake has a flora and fauna that is so rich, coupled with many green hills surrounding it make the lake cool fresh air is used as a nature reserve area.
Activities and activities

One of the fun things to do when you are traveling to Takyang Dendam Lake is to ride a raft around the lake and fishing.

5.       City Curup
Curup City is the capital of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. In this city we can witness firsthand the world's largest flower called Rafflesia Arnoldi. However, if you want to visit here is advised to use a sweater or jacket due to the cold city city that reaches 18oC in the morning.
Rejang Lebong Regency
Please note that the Rejang Lebong Regency itself is one of the areas located on top of the Bukit Barisan mountain range with a height between 100-1000 meters above sea level. Here you will find many patches of fruit and vegetable crops. But the plot of the plant will not be visible (vaguely) due to the thick fog.
Natural Beauty
Well, for those of you who want to see the enchanting natural beauty, from the city of Curup you can directly step on the gas to Bukit Kaba. Or if you want to feel the sensation of bathing in the hot springs so that the body feels fresh again, you can visit the attractions of Hot Water Suban (natural hot springs whose water actually comes from the mountains that are directly streamed into the ponds).

6.       Fort Marlborough
Of the many lists of tourist attractions in Bengkulu that must be visited, one of which is the bull Marlborough. The Marlborough Fortress is an English fortress that serves as a fortress for the City of Bengkulu as a trading area as well as a pepper monopoly. This fort is located on the West Coast of Sumatra.
Full of History
The castle is said to be Britain's most powerful stronghold in the east after St. The George, located in Madras, India, was built by the East India Company or EIC during the reign of Governor Joseph Callet from 1713 to 1719. The gallant castle stands on an area of 44,100 square meters with a length of 240.5 meters and wide reaching 170.5 meters, located opposite the Indian Ocean. One of the historical attractions in Bengkulu is very similar to the turtle. So there is a bridge that connects the body with his head.

Rat Island
Rat Island
Tourist attractions in bengkulu are quite interesting to visit is the rat island. Pulau Tikus is about 1.5 hectares wide. This is one of the islands in Bengkulu which has a vast coral reef. This coral reef is a natural fortress that protects the Rat Island from abrasion caused by large sea waves. The attraction of the Rat Island is the stunning natural scenery, the clear ocean water, the gorgeous rocks and the colorful fish. Here we can snorkel for a closer look at the beautiful rock.

Located 10 km west of Bengkulu City. The island is directly related to the Indian Ocean. To reach the attractions of Pantai Tikus, we can lease boats from Jakat Beach with travel time for approximately 1 hour. If the boat rental, time travel will be shorter is about 40 minutes if we are from the Port of Baai Island. Formerly this beach is used as a place of ships to shelter from the enormous waves of the Indian Ocean. Unfortunately the coral reefs in Pulau Tikus, gradually become damaged. This happens due to human activities that damage the coral reef ecosystem. The rapidly growing year-over-year ravages that struck the Rat Island caused the island to become narrower.

8.       Lebong Lake
This lake is actually a former mining quarry. But unfortunately not reclaimed. Lake Lebong very stunning scenery. The water is pure blue and sometimes will turn greenish when exposed to sunlight. Because the distance from the location of the lake Taba Panunjang from Bengkulu quite far, then to achieve this one tourist attraction we need to prepare and struggle hard.
However, when arriving at tourist sites, all tired will disappear. Paid by the panoramic charm of Lebong Lake. Keep in mind that the water of this lake is poisonous water and can make the environment polluted.

Bengkulu is one of the provinces in Sumatra that has many natural beauty and natural attractions such as lakes, beaches, to waterfalls. Very rare tourist attractions in Indonesia that has the beauty of nature as beautiful as Bengkulu.


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